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Why Does Colocation Data Center Pricing Keep Increasing

Colocation Data Center Pricing

The pricing for colocation data center services has been on a steady rise for the last couple of years, according to a CBRE report. The annual surge in the quoted price per kilowatt per month by the end of 2022 hit a 14.5% increase for the wholesale price of 250-500kW, escalating to $137.90 per kW/month. […]

Do Cloud Outages Emerge as the Consequence of Prioritizing Cost over Reliability?

In recent years, the cloud services landscape has transformed into a super competitive marketplace. As market competition grows fierce, providers have engaged in relentless price wars to secure a more extensive client base. While the underlying mechanisms responsible for numerous cloud outages eventually come to light, the recurrence of certain issues can be attributed to the […]

How The Big Tech Outages Shows The Need For Carrier-Neutral Colocation Data Centers

cloud outages

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud outage was disastrous. The December 7th, 2021 outage lasted a whopping 7 hours, bringing applications that run on the AWS platform to a grinding halt. One would expect that Amazon would implement solid measures to prevent a cloud outage of such magnitude from happening in the future. But on […]

What is Edge Colocation, and How it Can Help Grow Your Business

Edge Data Centers

Picture this. You want to relocate your business or open a new branch in a new area. One of the things you’re looking for in the new location is a data center. The problem is, this is a tier two market. It is improbable that you’ll find a data center with the kind of interconnection solutions similar […]

How Much Data Center Colocation Space Do You Really Need

Colocation Pricing Questions

While there are several different options available when it comes to data management solutions for your business, colocation is one of the most popular among small- to mid-sized companies, as well as many large corporations. While there are indeed certain disadvantages to this model, the advantages are overwhelming. Colocation services offer scalability, efficiency, and easy […]

What’s The Difference Between Data Center Redundancy 2N vs. N+1

Data Center Redundancy

Since the dawn of the modern computer age, data centers have been the foundation for building our computing facilities and networking equipment. Data centers are responsible for storing, collecting, processing, and distributing data. They represent any company’s backbone that relies on applications, networking services, or data to deliver products and services to its customers. Because […]

What Are The Major Differences Between Data Center Tiers?

Data Center Tiers

Are you choosing a suitable data center for your business? When making a decision, the tiers’ concept becomes essential because it affects performance and can be a crucial factor in determining how efficient a business is and how reliably it can deliver the goods and/or services they provide. In essence, data center tiers differentiate between […]

Bandwidth Vs. Latency: Which Is More Important?

network optimization

These two components have a high impact on how quick and responsive is our internet connection. If you had a choice, would you trade one in favor of the other? Which of the two components would be more beneficial for you, or which one is more important? Before we answer that question, let’s find out […]

Smart Hands Cost-Benefit Analysis

Smart Hands Services

Imagine the following scenario. Late into the night, you receive an alert that a critical part of your server infrastructure has gone down, and the problem requires immediate attention. As a result, your e-commerce platform is no longer working, and customers around the world cannot purchase your products or services. The downtime for servers costs […]

Understanding Data Center Redundancy and High-Availability

Data Center Redundancy

Businesses of all types (healthcare, financial, retail, communications, service professionals, etc.) need to ensure their computer operations are constantly running. Downtime means lost customers, damage to the reputation of the company, and other financial losses. Company computers need to have high availability, which means they need to virtually never fail.  More and more businesses and […]

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