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The Growing Trend of Data Protection as a Service

The Growing Trend of Data Protection as a Service

As business needs grow and evolve, so does the level of the services that they require to operate effectively in a technology-driven world. Due to the increased growth in cloud services’ popularity, many businesses are looking to enhance their hosted services to give them access to better benefits such as higher scalability, management, and recovery […]

The Most Common Causes of Hard Drive Failure

It happens to us all eventually. Things seem to be clicking along fine, and then, out of nowhere, your computer refuses to boot up. Maybe you’ve noticed some cryptic error messages that don’t seem actually to relate to any part of your system. Hard drive failure can look like a nightmare without proper planning, a […]

The Importance of Data Center Rack Hardware Intelligence

why hardware intelligence is critical for your data center rack.

The world around us is changing daily, and these changes push all of us to find new ways to evolve and move into a future that is powered by technology. For businesses, this means working with companies that provide the latest technology-backed services to help them overcome challenges they face in today’s ever-changing world. For […]

Hosted Firewall vs. Managed Firewall

hosted firewall vs. managed firewall

Firewalls are designed to protect your computer infrastructure (networks and computers) from malicious attacks. The firewalls control what information can go in and what data can go out. A firewall protection program can be installed on just one computer or on the server or routers that control the full network. There are different ways to […]

Block Storage vs. Object Storage Services

object storage or block storage

Data centers are useful for storing large amounts of data. A common data storage question is whether the data should be stored in blocks or in objects. There are benefits and disadvantages to both types of storage. Blocking Storage A block, sometimes known as a physical record, is a bit sequence, that contains a whole […]

Essential Steps to a Successful Data Center Migration

experienced data migration consultant

Proper migration of IT services to a data center can save money and time, minimize the need for in-house resources, and eliminate the physical room needed to store servers, computers, and other essential hardware. A smooth transition means being able to focus on business operations, making a profit, and serving the community. An improper migration […]

IaaS and PaaS: The Difference and Benefits

Cloud computing is as amorphous a term as a literal cloud, but in reality, there are three basic types of cloud computing. The difference among the three types lies in what service the specific cloud utility will offer: software, platform, or infrastructure. While this may sound overly complicated and possibly redundant, the reality is actually […]

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Data Center Provider

Not all data centers are created equally.

Companies are transitioning to data centers because they can save capital costs, expand the company’s network, and be positioned to grow into the future. Migrating to a data center can be a timely and expensive proposition. Some of the key decisions businesses should consider in choosing the right data center are:       Scalability. The provider should […]

What Is Storage Management and Do You Need It?

essential storage management considerations

Every company should have a storage management plan. As your business prospers, new customers are added, old customers return, new applications are purchased, networks grow – the need for a storage management plan becomes essential. Adding new storage is not a simple task. New data and new applications need to be integrated with old ones. […]

Containers Everywhere Shake Up Platform Foundations

containers making application development and server management smoother and more efficient.

Though it is not at all unusual for startups and new systems to be touted “the next big thing,” the reality is that the majority of such proclamations are merely flashes in a pan, rather than indicating lasting changes to the technology sector. Containers, on the other hand, have proven their worth as an ongoing […]

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