Private Cloud vs. Bare Metal Servers? Which One is Right For Your Business?

When searching for IT infrastructure solution options, businesses often find themselves going through several options before finding the one solution that can support their operations in the most effective way. Two popular choices for handling workloads with high resource and performance needs are private cloud and bare metal servers. Both of these options offer the […]
The Difference Between Bare Metal and Dedicated Servers: Are They Truly Different

Bare metal servers are considered a superior quality option when it comes to the best server solutions available from providers. They are mediated as the top option that offers the benefits of the highest achievable performance. But is there a real difference between bare metal dedicated servers and dedicated servers? Or is the whole distinction […]
Your Essential Guide to Bare Metal Servers: Everything You Need to Know

Bare metal servers have timeless popularity due to the many advantages of root access and granular control over hardware resources. Thanks to their high degree of customizability, they provide the highest performance and flexibility for managing specific workloads. Bare metal servers are also the most secure option, making them the best choice for organizations dealing […]
How Bare-Metal Colocation Can Benefit Your Infrastructure

Hosting and maintaining a bare metal server can be expensive. On top of that, running on-premise bare metal servers can be woefully inefficient, especially if you can’t afford the capital investment required to create a fully-fledged data center. Yet, you don’t have to build a data center to host your bare-metal server(s). Instead, you can […]
Everything You Need to Know About Bare Metal Servers

In the past thirty years, servers have become an integral part of modern business practices. What type of server your business utilizes can be tremendously important, determining your efficiency, cost effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. These factors have always been important factors for business people to keep in mind, but now more than ever, data management […]
Dedicated Server Types And Their Uses Explained

If you plan to start a new application, website, or blog, you need to choose how you want to host your site. The two most common ways of hosting a site are shared servers or dedicated servers. The main difference between these two is that while a shared server is shared with other web clients, […]
Bare Metal Server or Cloud Servers? What’s The Difference?

With the technological advancements in our modern days, many companies rely on computing services, data, and applications to deliver products and services at a much larger scale than before. For a business to gain a competitive advantage in the market, it is imperative to use networking and online services to grow and succeed. However, the […]
How is the new Apple M1 processor accelerating machine learning capabilities up to 15 times?

New technologies are innovating the way we live our day-to-day lives, and everyone passionate about technology can’t help but wait to see what’s the next best thing tech companies are bringing to the table. One of the most recent innovations comes from Apple, which announced the release of a new processor that will power their […]
Bare Metal vs Dedicated Servers – How Do They Compare?

It is safe to say that choosing the right server is crucial for the success of a business. Are you stuck in deciding between a bare metal or a dedicated server? This article will clear up all the underlying differences between these two options and help you make the best hosting decision to suit your […]