Bare-Metal Cloud Servers vs. Bare Metal in a Private Data Center

bare metal dedicated server

Many companies are searching for a reliable, single-tenant, bare metal dedicated server because of the benefits of root access, which can’t be emphasized enough. Bare metal allows for better availability of resources, high performance, low latency, and durability. Some companies are looking for options that come with managed services, providing a smooth experience. Others are […]

What You Need to Know About X-as-a-Service (XaaS)

XaaS stands for ‘anything as a service’ and encompasses SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and more. As cloud computing has become not simply an option, but practically the mandate, for both developers and users alike, there has been a myriad of ways businesses have been quick to jump on the “as a service” model. For this reason, […]

IaaS and PaaS: The Difference and Benefits

Cloud computing is as amorphous a term as a literal cloud, but in reality, there are three basic types of cloud computing. The difference among the three types lies in what service the specific cloud utility will offer: software, platform, or infrastructure. While this may sound overly complicated and possibly redundant, the reality is actually […]

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