Instructive Lesson From The Amazon S3 Outage

On Tuesday, February 28th, 2017, an Amazon employee made a typo during a routine billing system repair and, rather than taking only a few servers offline, instead took down a significant (but still unspecified) number of the nearly 150,000 unique websites and apps hosted or supported by the Amazon cloud computing S3 service. Affected sites […]
The Importance of INERGEN Fire Suppression in Data Centers

On average, a 14,000 square foot data center moves a 2,400kW electrical load and 700 tons of heat every single day. This places incredible electrical and mechanical pressures on circuits and opens a data center up to significant fire risks. To compound this problem, data centers pose unique challenges for fire suppression systems. Up until […]
Ensuring High Availability In Data Centers and Networks

Data centers have become synonymous with the concept of high availability and redundancy. Based on virtualization and utilizing cloud computing technologies, these data centers are known for offering their clients a level of availability they would be unable to achieve on their own. This virtualization allows the data center to treat the various servers like […]