Difference Between Retail and Wholesale Colocation

Businesses today need the security and performance of their IT infrastructure to provide quality products and services for their customers. Many organizations undergo digital transformation to keep pace with rapidly changing demands and technologies. On-premises infrastructures offer granular control, but the investment required often exceeds the budget of smaller organizations. Nevertheless, cutting-edge technology is accessible […]
A Review of IoT Trends and What they Mean for Your Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of all devices (smartphones, computers, buildings, vehicles, etc.) that connect to the Internet in some way. Connections can include software, network connections, modems, sensors, or anything that lets a user connect to the Internet. Currently, the IoT consists of billions of devices, and the number of devices […]
Why the Hybrid Cloud is Becoming the Place for Enterprises Still Looking to Move to the Cloud

Many businesses have been cautious about using cloud computing. This cautiousness is based on concerns that the public access aspect of the cloud raises questions about security and cost. They have preferred to keep their computing services private and in-house. There is now a solution, called hybrid cloud computing, that is making the switch to […]
Understanding The Advantages of Moving from Shared Hosting to Enterprise Hosting

A reliable, efficient, and secure web-hosting provider is vital to business continuity in today’s web-based world. Choosing the right hosting provider for your business depends on a number of factors that range from bandwidth needs to budgetary concerns. Shared hosting is currently the most commonly utilized hosting service. For businesses with low traffic volumes and […]
How Companies are Utilizing Carrier Neutral Data Centers

The last five years have seen an unprecedented upswing in the number of enterprises moving their IT management and housing to data centers. When choosing a data or colocation center, companies have two choices. Carrier specific data centers are operated by a single carrier and provide services for the entire facility. On the other hand, […]
Protecting Your Company’s Data and Applications

When it comes to your digital business data, the most important thing you can do is keeping it safe. While computers are fantastic machines that have entirely revolutionized the world of commerce, it is still important to realize that they can malfunction without warning. When you want to keep your data entirely safe, there are […]