Starting with Java 7 Update 51, your default Java Security Settings don’t allow applications that are not signed (Unsigned), Self-signed (not signed by trusted authority) and/or missing permission attributes. Because of this enhanced security, the IP-KVM Java app gets blocked with this error:


How-To Fix:


  1. Download and open this file: exception.txt
  2. On your PC, navigate in file explorer to C:\users\%username%\appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security
  3. Open exception.sites in notepad.
  4. Copy the content from exception.txt and paste it at the end of the exception.sites file.
  5. Save the file.


  1. Download and open this file: exception.txt
  2. On your Mac, navigate in Finder to /Users/*/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/security
  3. Open exception.sites in TextEdit.
  4. Copy the content from exception.txt and paste it at the end of the exception.sites file.
  5. Save the file.