1. Installing Agent Using YUM

1.1 Configure YUM Repository

YUM is the easiest way to keep programs up-to-date on RedHat-compatible distributions. It downloads and installs the latest version of a program. You should configure the YUM repository to manage install and upgrades of CDP Agent.

First, create a YUM .repo file with the R1Soft repository information. Save the file in the yum.repos.d directory which is typically located in /etc/.

1. Open the new file with a text editor such as vi or nano:

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d # vi r1soft.repo


# nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo

2. Insert the following text into the file and save the file:

[r1soft] name=R1Soft Repository Server baseurl=http://repo.r1soft.com/yum/stable/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0

3. To verify what is written to the file, use the following command:

# cat /etc/yum/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo

1.2 Install the Package

Once you have configured the YUM repository, you can use the following command to install CDP Agent:

# yum install r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent

1.3 Install the Manager key

You can install the key for the backup manager with the following command:

serverbackup-setup --get-key https://Manager_URL

2. Install Agent Manually (Using RPM)

2.1 Download CDP Agent

Backup Agent (Linux 64-bit)

2.2 Make Sure You Can Unzip the Download

Most Linux distributions come with the unzip utility pre-installed. To determine if you have the unzip utility, run:

# which unzip

This should return an output similar to the following:

# which unzip /usr/bin/unzip

If it returns the following output, you need to install the unzip utility first:

unzip: Command not found.

To install unzip on RHE, CentOS, and Fedora:

# yum install unzip

2.3 Extract the ZIP File

We recommend creating a temporary directory to which you can extract the contents of the ZIP file.

1. Use the mkdir command to create a temporary directory (in our case, cdp-agent).

# mkdir cdp-agent

2. Use the mv command to move the archive to that directory. Note that Linux file names are case sensitive. Make sure you type the name correctly (in our case, "r1soft-enterprise-agent-linux64-3.18.2.zip").

# mv r1soft-enterprise-agent-linux64-3.18.2.zip cdp-agent

3. Use the cd command to go to that directory.

# cd cdp-agent

4. Use the unzip command to extract the files.

# unzip r1soft-enterprise-agent-linux64-3.18.2.zip

2.4 Install the Package

You must be a Linux root user to install CDP Agent.

The archive you have extracted contains two folders: one with .deb packages (in our case, "deb-linux64") and one with .rpm packages ("rpm-linux64"). On RedHat and CentOS, select the .rpm package.

Each folder contains a set of CDP components:

You will need to install all of them in one step. Use the cd command to go to the folder with the packages (in our case, rpm-linux64) and run the following command:

RPM 32-bit (x86) / RPM 64-bit (x86_64)

rpm -i *.rpm